- ACR 2023
- AO de formation à la recherche de la SFD - Printemps 2023
- Adverse events associated with JAK inhibitors in 126,815 reports from the WHO pharmacovigilance database
- Appels à projets MESSIDORE
- Axes de recherche
- Appel à projets génériques ANR 2024 - SATURATIOn sélectionné comme projet de recherche mono-équipe
- Association Between Biologics Use and Risk of Serious Infection in Patients With Psoriasis
- Axe 1
- Axe 2
- Axe 3
- Biases associated with epidermal necrolysis reporting in pharmacovigilance: An exploratory analysis using World Health Organization VigiBase
- Campagne ANSM : le bon usage des médicaments
- Cochrane Podcast
- Cochrane Skin
- EADV Summer Workshop 2023
- EpiDermE Meetings
- ESDR Kitchen - Building a Network Meta-Analysis
- CCA-Inserm-Bettencourt
- Changing spectrum of suspected drugs of Epidermal Necrolysis: an WHO pharmacovigilance database analysis from 1997 to 2020
- Comparison of incidence, causes and prognosis of adult and pediatric epidermal necrolysis: a population-based study in France
- E-Congrès EPI-PHARE
- Elena Obeid
- Evolution of Drug Survival with Biological Agents and Apremilast Between 2012 and 2018 in Patients with Psoriasis from the PsoBioTeq Cohort
- Face involvement is reflective of global perception of extent in vitiligo patients
- Khoi Trong Le Tran
- Les doctorants
- Les enseignants chercheurs
- Fanny Kpenou
- Finale nationale 2023 - MT 180
- First-Line Biologic Therapy and Obesity in Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis: Results from the Prospective Multicenter Cohort Psobioteq
- Funding and conclusions of network meta-analyses on targeted therapies in inflammatory diseases: an overview
- Hugo Jourdain
- Ils ont fait partie de la team !
- Influence of sex on the persistence of different classes of targeted therapies for psoriatic arthritis: a cohort study of 14 778 patients from the French health insurance database (SNDS)
- Interventions for chronic palmoplantar pustulosis: abridged Cochrane systematic review and GRADE assessments
- JDP 2023
- Les Post-doc
- Les étudiants et stagiaires
- Les statisticiens
- Influence of sex on the persistence of different classes of targeted therapies for psoriatic arthritis: a cohort study of 14 778 patients from the French health insurance database (SNDS)
- Méta-Recherche
- Long-term persistence of second-line biologics in psoriatic arthritis patients with prior TNF inhibitor exposure: a nationwide cohort study from the French health insurance database (SNDS)
- Maryo Baakliny
- Meta-analysis results do not reflect the real safety of biologics in psoriasis
- Most randomized controlled trials forpsoriasis used placebo comparators despite the availability of effective treatments
- Mounya Abboud
- Pathologies inflammatoires
- Partenaires
- Overlapping network meta-analyses on psoriasis systemic treatments, an overview: quantity does not make quality
- Paradoxical reactions and biologic agents: a French cohort study of 9 303 patients
- Persistence of apremilast in moderate-to-severe psoriasis: a real-world analysis of 14 147 apremilast- and methotrexate-naive patients in the French National Health Insurance database
- Placebo response in moderate-to-severe psoriasis: prevalence meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
- PREDICT - PREdiction inviDualisée de la persIstanCe des Traitements biologiques chez les patients atteints de psoriasis
- Psoriasis-related treatment exposure and hospitalization or in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19 during the first and second wave of the pandemic: cohort study of 1 326 312 patients in France
- Retraite scientifique 2023 IMRB
- Revues et Podcasts
- Robin Guélimi
- Publications de référence
- Risk of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis initiating interleukin 17 inhibitors: a nationwide population-based study using the French national health data system
- Risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients initiating biologics/apremilast for psoriatic arthritis: a nationwide cohort study
- SFPT 2024
- Soutenances 2023 - Masters 2
- SFR 2023
- Soutenances 2023 - Thèses
- Quality and Reporting Completeness of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Dermatology
- Thomas Bettuzzi
- Thèses soutenues en 2021
- Replays Joint meeting of Cochrane Skin and EDEN
- Thèses soutenues en 2022
- Systemic pharmacological treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis: a network meta-analysis
- Toxidermies
- Webinar de l'internat de Paris - Le psoriasis
- WCD 2023
- Visual abstracts
- Zeina Farah
- Thèses soutenues en 2023
- NMA Studio
- Organisation
- Archives
- Cochrane
- EpiDermE
- EpiNewS
- Publication à la une
- Les membres
- Publications
- Thèses de doctorat
- Visual abstracts
- Travaux scientifiques