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Psoriasis-related treatment exposure and hospitalization or in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19 during the first and second wave of the pandemic: cohort study of 1 326 312 patients in France

Psoriasis-related treatment exposure and hospitalization or in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19 during the first and second wave of the pandemic: cohort study of 1 326 312 patients in France

Psoriasis-related treatment exposure and hospitalization or in-hospital mortality due to …

Psoriasis-related treatment exposure and hospitalization or in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19 during the first and second wave of the pandemic: cohort study of 1 326 312 patients in France Lire la suite »

Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Patients With Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis/Ankylosing Spondylitis Initiating Interleukin-17 Inhibitors: A Nationwide Population-Based Study Using the French National Health Data System

Risk of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis initiating interleukin 17 inhibitors: a nationwide population-based study using the French national health data system

Background Sex differences in phenotype presentation, disease trajectory and treatment …

Risk of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis initiating interleukin 17 inhibitors: a nationwide population-based study using the French national health data system Lire la suite »

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